Wednesday, March 16, 2016

#3 - Three Types of Governing Principles

Hi Everyone~

It's been a while but I just wanted to provide everyone with an update on my research. 

According to Ayurveda, also known as the 5th Veda, there are five basic elements.
The 5 elements are

  1. Air
  2. Fire
  3. Water
  4. Earth
  5. Ether (a fancy word for space- like universe)
These five basic elements come together to form three major governing factors called doshas. 
  1. Pita (fire and water)
  2. Vata (ether and air)
  3. Kapha (earth and water)
These three doshas are collectively known as the tridosha and govern all aspects, psychological and physical, in a human body. Each individual is born with a unique composition of these three principles and the concentration of each is determined at conception. Although each individual may have all three principles inside them, each person has one factor that is slightly more prominent and doctors use this during diagnosis to figure out what kind of treatment path to choose. 

Each dosha has a specific function.

More information coming soon in the next post!

Thank you all for reading!

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